Playground Expectations

Playground Expectations

Playground Rules
- Stay away from the alley by the field.-Students should not be more than 3/4 of the way up the alley.-Students are not allowed to be along our neighbor's fences or in the forest-The playing of basketball and handball is not allowed while the school busses are arriving or leaving.-No play fighting or rough housing-Everyone has personal space, hands off each other.-No piggy back riding.-The bridge is the boundary between the two schools.  Students who cross over onto the Fox Run side will be sent into the office if it is a recurring behavior.-Football is played by tagging not tackling.-Using cellphones to take video or pictures of students or staff is not allowed. 

Winter Rules- No throwing snow balls- Admin Procedure - no sliding (not on boots or bottoms)

Rosary Garden expectations- Stay on the mulch- Do not hang on the archway or stand on the wooden base, as it could break-The rocks are for sitting on and are meant to be benches. They are not for walking and running on top of.